Delivering accredited vocational education and training (VET) courses
Mine Training Solutions RTO 46163
Mine Training Solutions provides professional, compliant, usable training materials for the mining industry. We aim to provide a strong focus on building knowledge; what a learner knows and understands and building skills; what a learner can do.
Delivery Mode
Mining Courses
RII40220 Certificate IV Surface Coal Mining (Open Cut Examiner)
Qualification Details:
This qualification is certificate IV level which is suitable for people working in Supervisory roles or people wanting to move into a Supervisory role. People working at this level perform tasks involving a broad range of day-to-day operational activities in their area of responsibility. They are responsible for ensuring a safe work environment by applying and implementing the Safety and Health Management System in and around the work area of the surface excavation (advanced operations). They are responsible for monitoring the quality and quantity of output, supervising others, and applying solutions to non-routine problems.
Who should enrol?
People who are experienced in surface coal mining operational processes, who may be mining supervisors/superintendents or experienced mining equipment operators. You may aspire to hold a statutory position at a surface coal mine. You must be currently working at a mine site and have a minimum of 3 years of practical open cut coal mining experience in an open cut coal mine. Please contact us to discuss this if required.
Contact MTS
Please make an enquiry today for more information. MTS will provide the qualification information handout which provides details on cost, delivery mode, entry requirements, and duration.
RII40120 Certificate IV in Surface Extraction Operations
Qualification Details:
This qualification is certificate IV level which is suitable for people working in Supervisory roles or people who want to be appointed as a Site Senior Executive on a surface mine or quarry employing between 6 and 20 persons. The Queensland Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee determine the competencies for respective positions and RII40120 Certificate IV is the requirement for people who want to be appointed as a Site Senior Executive on a surface mine or quarry employing between 6 and 20 persons.
People working at this level perform tasks involving a broad range of day-to-day operational activities in their area of responsibility. They are responsible for ensuring a safe work environment by applying and implementing the Safety and Health Management System in and around the work area of the surface operation. They are responsible for monitoring the quality and quantity of output, supervising others, and applying solutions to non-routine problems.
Who should enrol?
People who are experienced in mineral mines and quarries operational processes, who may be mining supervisors/superintendents or experienced mining equipment operators.
Contact MTS
Please make an enquiry today for more information. MTS will provide the qualification information handout which provides details on cost, delivery mode, entry requirements, and duration.
RII50120 Diploma of Surface Operations Management
Qualification Details
This qualification is Diploma level and is appropriate for people working in Senior or Statutory positions (superintendents and managers) in the management structure for the mine or people who wish to move into such a role.
These people are responsible for implementing and maintaining the Safety and Health Management System for the mine. People working at this level demonstrate the application of a broad range of technical, managerial, coordination, planning, and implementation skills on the job.
RII50120 Diploma of Surface Operations Management is a competency requirement for:
- Mineral Mining and Quarries site senior executive, appointed after 1 July 2018, on a surface mine or quarry employing more than 20 persons.
Units within this qualification can be used for Continual Professional Development (CPD hours) Formal Activities for coal mining Senior / Statutory Position Holders.
Recognised Standard 22 states that each position in the Management Structure must be responsible and competent to develop, implement or apply parts of the SHMS that are relevant to the activities that the position is responsible for. The competencies must be consistent with the responsibility of the position and relevant to the levels of responsibility described in the Australian Qualifications Framework, the RII Training Package, or other relevant competencies.
Who Should enrol
Candidates who wish to enrol in this qualification are experienced mine workers and people who hold Senior or Statutory positions in the management structure for the mine or who desire to.
RIIWHS601E Establish and maintain the WHS management system (G7)
This unit describes a participant’s skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain the WHS management system in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries. This unit is applicable to those working in management roles where risk needs to be managed.
RIIRIS601E Establish and maintain the risk management system (G3)
This unit describes a participant’s skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain the risk management system in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries. This unit is appropriate for those working in management roles.
RIISAM401E Apply site plant, equipment and infrastructure maintenance management plans
This unit develops a participant’s skills and knowledge required to apply site plant, equipment and infrastructure maintenance management plans. It applies to those working in supervisory roles, who are trade qualified (fitter, electrician, boilermaker) or have obtained a higher qualification in a related discipline i.e. Degree in Mechanical Engineering. These people are generally responsible for the output of others, contribute to the development of technical solutions to non-routine problems and apply management plans to the workplace.
Cost: $975.00
RPL/Refresher Training: $575.00
RIIWHS403E Apply the work health and safety management system
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to apply and monitor the work health and safety management system, also known as the Safety and Health Management System for the mine site. This includes understanding your legal responsibilities and obligations as a supervisor. The unit focus is on sub-components of the WHS management system, including health and hygiene, emergency procedure planning and preparation, risk management (including site hazards – hazardous substances, dust, noise, vibrations, work processes, plant and equipment) and addressing the availability of resources in deciding on and implementing risk controls. In addition to the above focus, the unit details methods for workplace inspections and observation and the importance of demonstrating visual leadership.
Cost: $675.00
RPL/Refresher Training: $375.00
Supervisor Course (RIIRIS301E RIIWHS301E & RIICOM301E)
This bundle of units describes a participant s skills and knowledge required to apply risk management processes, conduct safety and health investigations and communicate effectively in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries.
Cost: $475.00
RPL/Refresher Training: $375.00
RIIRIS402E Carry out the risk management processes (G2)
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to carry out risk management processes, including planning, identifying hazards and assessing risk, and developing and implementing risk controls. This unit is appropriate for those working in supervisory roles overseeing and auditing the risk assessment process.
Full Training: $375.00
RPL//Refresher Training: $275.00
RIISS00034 - Surface Coal Mine Safety Skill Set (STD11)
This Skill Set can provide credit toward a number of Certificate II and III Qualifications in the Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package. This Skill Set is for individuals working in surface coal mining operations in the Resources and Infrastructure Industry.
Full Training: $575.00
RPL/Refresher Training: $375.00
Refresher Training
Why Refresher Train?
Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 84 states: (1) the site senior executive must ensure each coal mine worker at the mine, including each worker holding a senior management or supervisory position and each worker holding a certificate of competency, is given refresher training under the mines training scheme at least once every 5 years. (2) the worker must undergo the training.
MTS offers refresher training in a number of units of competency.
Why are we offering refresher training for OCEs? To ensure compliance with regulation 84 but also to assist in continual development – providing for effective supervision and management, ensuring legislative compliance and application of the mine SHMS. “Efficiency and effectiveness in achieving your mine plan”.